The MEK (shown in photo) helped bring the Ayatollah to power. They started-off originally as a Soviet-backed Marxist group. They helped seize weapons from the Shah's army and created street chaos.
The head of the Soviet (Russian) school for indoctrination of foreign assets says that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was one of their students.
The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Russian: Российский университет дружбы ), also known as RUDN University, is an educational and research institution located in Moscow. It was established in 1960 to develop Third World students into KGB/Russian assetts. It was part of Soviet offensive to project power.
After the Shah departed Iran, President Carter also sent U.S. military advisors to threaten the Shah's generals from taking military action against the Ayatollah, resulting the Shah's vast arsenal of military weapons falling into the hands of Islamic radicals.
PHOTO: pro Ayatollah Islamic radicals with the Shah's weapons. Carter ordered the Shah's generals to stand down thereby causing all of the Shah's weapons to flow into the hands of the Ayatollah's thugs.
Tehran had fallen to a coalition of Muslim fundamentalists and left-wing guerrilla groups financed and armed by Libya, the PLO and the east bloc. The final communication sent out from the US embassy read: “Army surrenders Khomeini wins destroying all classified.”
The French government gave the Ayatollah a home base, provided him with around the clock protection, and allowed the Ayatollah to conduct regime change from its soil.
(نیروها آیت الله برای حفظ قدرت (مافیای اسلامی در ایران The forces the Ayatollah uses to maintain power in Iran The Islamic government of Iran spends $35 million dollars every day (or more) to protect the Islamic Regime. They use both centralized and de-centralized militias to reduce the risk of a coup d'etat. They use a variety of different types of militias to reduce the risk of a coup d'etat . They use early childhood indoctrination and religious indoctrination. They use unemployable people who know that their best bet for income is to help the regime. They utilize variety : you will notice street killers, drug addicts, religious fanatics, kids, professional soldiers, Islamic militias, proxy war veterans, and many other types . There are many commanders, which increases the size of the overall Islamic mafia , but reduces the risk of collusion to overthrow the regime. The variety and diversity of forces also increases the risk of civil war...
ایران هرگز آزاد نخواهد شد ، مگر اینکه مردم اسلحه داشته باشند آخوندها اسلحه دارند آخوندها اراذل و اوباش با سلاح دارند آنها از بسیاری از کشورها هستند: سوریه ، فلسطین ، عراق ، افغانستان و لبنان آخوندها با این افراد شریک هستند آخوندها آماده هستند حتی فاحشه های آنها سلاح دارند آنها حتی بچه های کوچک را شستشوی مغزی می دهند آیا دروغی در این قسمت دیدید؟ نه بنابراین وقتی بخش بعدی را می خوانیم واقع بین و منطقی باشید سه سرباز (یا اراذل و اوباش) با سلاح ، می توانند 1000 نفر را کنترل کنند فراموش کردی؟ پاسداران این کار را در سوریه انجام داد سخت بود؟ نه آیا آنها می توانند این کار را در ایران انجام دهند؟ آره آیا آنها حاضر به انجام آن در ایران هستند؟ آره چگونه از خود دفاع خواهید کرد؟ شما به اسلحه احتیاج دارید دو راه برای آزادسازی ایران داریم، و فقط دو راه وجود دارد حمله آمریکا یا مردم با سلاح آزادی یک هدیه نیست آخوندها قصد ندارند این "هدیه" را به شما بدهند آزادی چیزی است که باید با زور پس بگیرد و با زور از آن دفاع کن...
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